2024-11-02: Updating ASDF

The version of ASDF in SBCL is a little out of date:

* (asdf:asdf-version)

The ASDF home page contains the latest version: download "asdf.lisp" from the "Getting It" section.

I placed "asdf.lisp" under "~/common-lisp/", and then compiled the file (the compiled version is noticeably quicker to load):

* (compile-file "~/common-lisp/asdf.lisp")

This leaves a file "asdf.fasl" in "~/common-lisp/".

Add something like the following to "~/.sbclrc":

(let ((asdf-file (merge-pathnames "common-lisp/asdf.fasl"
  (when (probe-file asdf-file)
    (load asdf-file)))

Then ASDF will be updated:

* (asdf:asdf-version)